Notepad/enter/Coding Tips (Classical)/Terminal Tips/Servers/Virtual Machines/Quay/Quay Docker

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Welcome to the Quay tutorial!

This tutorial will walk you step-by-step through using Quay Container Registry , covering:

  • Logging into Quay Container Registry from the Docker CLI
  • Starting a container
  • Creating images from a container
  • Pushing a repository to Quay Container Registry
  • Viewing a repository
  • Setting up build triggers
  • Changing a repository's permissions

This tutorial should take about 15 minutes, but may take slightly longer depending on the speed of your internet connection

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  1. Login with docker login
    • Note. use an encrypted pw for cli logging in in the following way!Pasted image 20230924025824.png
  2. Then run docker run busybox echo "fun" > newfile