Notepad/enter/Coding Tips (Classical)/Terminal Tips/Commands + Settings/Internet/Hosting/On

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This area will be for all of it when referencing a space on a browser or network. For visionary insights, look into this IEEE article on the future of web.

The Order of ownerships of the Host

  1. Domains

In order for a website or application on a browser to exist in space it must be hosted. Therefore, this lies in a domain.

  1. Cloud Storage

When there is a lot of data being hosted, it may need to be hosted through cloud storage.

  • Google Cloud Platform
  • AWS
  • Azure

  1. Containers

In order for the data in applications in storage to keep continuously running, often these clouds can be kept alive in a container.

  • Docker
  • Digital Ocean
    • Digital Ocean marketplace
    • Appwrite - a backend for web servers and mobile apps
      • can be instantiated within Digital Ocean

  1. NAS (Network Attached Storage)

This takes all the abstraction of the above out by offloading all data onto a singular physical system to manage the network, your NAS.