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GenJ - Developer HOWTO
GenJ's source is hosted at http://genj.sourceforge.net. By using
cvs/ssh you can get any desired snapshot. The main development module
is ./dev.
For now I assume that you have cvs/ssh correctly setup on your
machine. Set the following environment parameters and cd into
an empty directory of your choice:
>cd d:\genj
>set cvs_rsh=ssh
>set cvsroot=:ext:YOURUSERID@cvs.genj.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/genj
>cvs checkout dev
This will place all sources into the module directory ./dev - all
necessary bits are on your machine now for a complete build (of
course you can have a look at the artifacts first).
The artifacts that comprise ./dev are:
./ant.cmd - ANT start script
./ant.properties - Project properties
./ant.xml - Project ANT makefile
./doc - Document files
./gedcom - Gedcom files
./help - Help files
./images - Image files
./language - Language resource files
./lib - Libraries
./script - Scripts (for distribution)
./src - Source
Make sure to open build.properties and adopt the following settings
to your environment:
dir.dist - Where to place files that are part of the distribution
dir.build - Where to place files generated during build
dir.run - Where to place files that are prepared for running
[by default they are defined relative to dir.out]
Make sure that
JAVA_HOME points to your JDK/JRE installation
You can use ant.cmd to perform project operations that are necessary
to rebuild/run GenJ on your local machine. Start ant.cmd (or adopt
it to your environment) with one of the following parameters:
init - Initialize environment (creates output directories)
compile.core - Compiles the GenJ core
compile.report - Compiles the GenJ reports
compile.awtx - Compiles the AWTx package (ui abstraction library)
compile - Compiles all
clean - Cleans up any temporary files
version - Spits out version
dist - Makes a distribution (app, applet, en, de, fr, help, ...)
javadoc - Creats Javadoc for core
run - Runs GenJ Application
classpath - Spits out the classpath
about - Spits out disclaimer
[start with 'ant.cmd run' - this will do the necessary steps to run GenJ]
If you're trying to run GenJ from inside your favourite IDE (e.g. JBuilder or Eclipse)
then you might not want to run ant to create a complete runnable unit everytime
you compile and restart.
You can set the following VM parameters to rectify that situation:
-Duser.home=[home_folder] where .properties files will end up in
-Dgenj.report.dir=[report_folder] where the reports are loaded from
-Dgenj.help.dir=[help_folder] where the help is loaded from
-Dgenj.gedcom.dir=[gedcom_folder] where the file-dialog for opening files starts
-Dgenj.debug.file=[log-file] where debugging statements are routed to
Here's an example:
java -Duser.home=d:\nils -Dgenj.gedcom.dir=d:\nils\gedcoms genj.App