classical files

Shwetha Jayaraj 2023-06-30 21:34:36 -04:00
parent d066861e31
commit 8f8dce8241
453 changed files with 4236 additions and 500 deletions

.DS_Store vendored 100644

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Current Occupations
Occupation is a good alternate word for jobs because these are certainly occupying my time at the moment rather heavily. Full-time at being a struggling human being though.
Obviously this gets edited with time & as life goes, but right now I am:
- President of Quantum Computing Club, Quantum Research Group at NYIT
- Apparently I am [NYC NASA ]( lead for the global Space Apps hackathon
- Director-at-Large of [Hack Manhattan ](

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# Quantum Papers
By Shwetha Jayaraj
> "We are in the universe and the universe is in us." - Neil Degrasse Tyson
On the quest to learning more about the universe and improving humanity through scientific knowledge, I'll be accumulating notes and research on quantum computing here. I'll try to cover an ongoing knowledge base of quantum development, a history of what has already transpired to lead us to the exciting times in scientific discovery we have now, as well as the trials of quantum computing we have ahead.
Coming from a computer science background, I will ultimately be interested in programming applications effectively using quantum computation methods to optimize a plethora of issues in our society. This is truly an exciting area of research that I am beyond passionate to continue learning for! Let's get started:
[D-Wave's 2019 Recap](Quantum%20Papers%20dd45743c44324ec08c4becbe0f0611f1/D-Wave'
[Menten AI](Quantum%20Papers%20dd45743c44324ec08c4becbe0f0611f1/
[Quantum Error Correction - Notes](Quantum%20Papers%20dd45743c44324ec08c4becbe0f0611f1/
[Demonstrating Superposition ](Quantum%20Papers%20dd45743c44324ec08c4becbe0f0611f1/
[Q-CTRL Tutorial ](Quantum%20Papers%20dd45743c44324ec08c4becbe0f0611f1/
[QPU Teleportation ](Quantum%20Papers%20dd45743c44324ec08c4becbe0f0611f1/
[Learning Qiskit ](Quantum%20Papers%20dd45743c44324ec08c4becbe0f0611f1/
[Quantum Qonvos. ](Quantum%20Papers%20dd45743c44324ec08c4becbe0f0611f1/

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"nbformat":4,"nbformat_minor":0,"metadata":{"colab":{"name":"RunLengthEncoding.ipynb","provenance":[],"authorship_tag":"ABX9TyPUnEszduwA02MLOUSNCrqj"},"kernelspec":{"name":"python3","display_name":"Python 3"},"language_info":{"name":"python"}},"cells":[{"cell_type":"markdown","source":["# Problem statement: Run-length encoding is a fast and simple method of encoding strings. The basic idea is to represent repeated successive characters as a single count and character. For example, the string \"AAAABBBCCDAA\" would be encoded as \"4A3B2C1D2A\".\n","Implement run-length encoding and decoding. You can assume the string to be encoded have no digits and consists solely of alphabetic characters. You can assume the string to be decoded is valid"],"metadata":{"id":"8CyZfl83RfPm"}},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":34,"metadata":{"id":"4C8nYe_TRZFa","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1657480478655,"user_tz":240,"elapsed":206,"user":{"displayName":"Shwetha Jayaraj","userId":"01455478857425759475"}}},"outputs":[],"source":["def runlength(x):\n"," \n"," encoded = []\n"," count_lc=[i+1 for l in x]\n","\n"," for letter in enumerate(x, start=0):\n"," if letter == letter + 1: \n"," count_lc \n","\n"," print(count_lc + letter)\n"]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["runlength(\"AAALLLLNNN\")"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":294},"id":"Q3igp4nGU6oC","executionInfo":{"status":"error","timestamp":1657480487155,"user_tz":240,"elapsed":288,"user":{"displayName":"Shwetha Jayaraj","userId":"01455478857425759475"}},"outputId":"85f71018-5fc8-4b99-8fcb-66750db8ab4d"},"execution_count":35,"outputs":[{"output_type":"error","ename":"TypeError","evalue":"ignored","traceback":["\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m","\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)","\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-35-610396e24660>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mrunlength\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"AAALLLLNNN\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m","\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-34-7b576001af01>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mrunlength\u001b[0;34m(x)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 3\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcount_lc\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m+\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0mi\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0mx\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 4\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0mletter\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0menumerate\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mx\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mstart\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 5\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcount_lc\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m+\u001b[0m \u001b[0mletter\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m","\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m: can only concatenate list (not \"tuple\") to list"]}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":[""],"metadata":{"id":"WDQ_jbQ4fGUT"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["def solve(self, n):\n"," n = 5\n"," n = len(lst)\n"," lst = [i for i in len(range())]\n"," for i in range(lst):\n"," print(sum(i))"],"metadata":{"id":"r1d7p9i5jkiX","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1657514543697,"user_tz":240,"elapsed":162,"user":{"displayName":"Shwetha Jayaraj","userId":"01455478857425759475"}}},"execution_count":19,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["last = \n","lst = [i +2 for in range(1,)]"],"metadata":{"id":"3m0HPpRgn4p4"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["length = n #the amount of items in array\n","list = a"],"metadata":{"id":"Zvycj7-MwnIk"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":[""],"metadata":{"id":"ghbZRMzWj0Is"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]}]}

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
Ah the design and creative part of front end coding. This is what I started out doing when I was around 12 years old on The world has gotten a lot better since then now and we have many options for web design and front end programming.
- One of the best tools to use for CSS is
- for more info on how to set it up:

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# Welcome
Everyone will have to use JavaScript in some capacity when being on the web. Might as well pick up some hints as you go. Here are a few resources.
- [8 ways to learn javascript](

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Extensions
You haven't properly pimped out your browser if you haven't installed some extensions. That's what make browsers so fun anyhow, all the customizeability!

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# Aka the URI
not to be confused with the URL ;)

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# Xpath
XPath stands for XML Path Language. It is a language that allows you to navigate to a specific element in an XML document.
XPaths will often be used in [BBEdit](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Computers%2FMac%20OS%20X%2FBBEdit).

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Extensible Markup Language (**XML**) is a markup language and file format for storing, transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data. It defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
Utilized often in [BBEdit](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Computers%2FMac%20OS%20X%2FBBEdit) for CLMs.

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# plist
plists are simple XML document types used throughout Mac OS X. This format defines a set of primitive types, and is used within CLM for definition.

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# Mac OSX & Apple
- [Monitor]( the activity of your laptop through XCode
- [BBEdit](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Computers%2FMac%20OS%20X%2FBBEdit) is a fantastic text editor and not even just that is entirely worth the learn.
- Mac tips:

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
VOQC, also pronounced as *vox*, is short for verfied optimizer for quantum circuits. Since many current quantum frameworks use qasm files, voqc was created as a way to debug circuits from compile error upon construction, as is my understanding anyways. The official paper though can be found [here]( And it is pretty informative! In order to install fully though, you will also need to install [opam](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Opam).
**Example: Quantum teleportation:**
The idea behing quantum teleportation is transmit a state psi from one party (Alice) to another (Bob) using a shared entangled state. A circuit for this is shown in a corresponding SQIR program.
Definition bell: ucom base 3 := H 1; CNOT 1 2
Definition alice: com base 3 := CNOT 0 1 ; H 0; measure 0; measure 1.
Definition bob : com base 3 := CNOT 1 2; Cz 0 1; reset 0; reset 1.
Definition teleport : com base 3 := bell; alice, bob
SQIR : a quantum language pronounced *squire* which stands for small quantum intermediate representation. They maintain a [github]( with several examples of implementation. Upon implementation, there seems to be an extraction process as well which is further documented [here]( It takes a highly mathematical approach and is compatibly based on COQ.
More information of Verified Quantum Computing can also be found [here](
## An example of optimization!
- Reading this [tutorial]( is extremely helpful in understanding what the point of voqc is. It makes constructing circuits a lot easier than having to understand all the gate logic and needing to create them all by hand.

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# Intro/Summary of Quantum Mechanics
The formalisms of somewhat knowing what each part of this is called will be somewhat important for you to seem knowledgeable in what you're talking about but might not be as necessary in application. Regardless, it'll give you major street cred around the quantum realm.
- Quantum formalism will help understand what kind of math it's based on
- primarily linear algebra & matrices
- Funny enough, another Obsidian user has made a **much** more extensive guide called [The Quantum Well ](!)which presents most of the math and physics you will ever need to know.
- since my Obsidian focuses primarily on the programming and tech, the above foundational knowledge will be useful for those that are curious.

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Formalism
**Abstract:  **
Please  humor me if this  is a stretch but I thought this something worth exploring from a more  mathematical perspective and proof: As radio waves are currently the  longest emitting  electromagnetic  frequencies,  would  they  play a role in accounting for noise specifically in wind by formulating  a way in which radio  waves detecting noise via wind can communicate this rather naturally in a math formulation to quantum computing. There seems to be a lot of similarity between these  two  industries and rather  than approaching it from a photonic  or superconducting/circuit perspective,  I wanted  to take a moment  to  understand if this can be better formalized in an equation demonstrating the relationship between the earths wind, radio waves tested via  ham amateur radio, and factoring these into error mitigation in quantum computing. Although many  things may  account for  the noise that leaves  quantum  computers largely still unusable today, such as natural earth perturbations, I am still  interested in primarily exploring atmospheric  wind in a mathematical approach.

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Quantum Computers
Quantum computers are here and very much real. And there's lot's to choose from. Similar to how regular computers started out in the 70s, the most common ones today are the IBM Quantum Computers, more appropriate to call them servers though as they are often accessed via the cloud nowadays.
Cloud Hybrid
- the one and only and first quantum computer, D-Wave, is the choice here

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# Quantum Internet
A cryptographic application to send information through.

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# Quantum Tech
Quantum technologies have the potential to dramatically change certain areas and industries as know it as we apply it and as the sector develops. There are 4 main kinds of quantum technologies that will come up:
## 1. Quantum computers
- These devices are here and san speed up certain calculations dramatically 
- Not just both 0 and 1 but rather in between 0 and 1 
- Can process much more information with qubits than bits
- This speedup  only works with certain calculations 
- To be useful  - need to bring  a large number of  qubits (~1 mill qubits)
- Question is not will it work, it is rather **will it scale**
- quantum computers already exist today
- yet status is similar to how nuclear fusion worked 50 years ago, effective and still in process
## 2. Quantum internet
- Information transmitted with quantum effects
- Uses quantum cryptography as a security protocol
- It irreversibly changes the state of an information particle  
- Cannot transfer info faster than speed of light or with any other quantum effect 
- quantum computer can break current protocols 
- Quantum internet can be safe from hacking by quantum computers
- Caveat - Post quantum or quantum-safe cryptography
- People that work on quantum  things dont like to mention this though
## 3. Quantum metrology
- Collection of measurements to improve quantum effects 
- Medicine and material science 
- Can make do with very few particles with minimal damage to sample
- Most promising quantum technology
## 4. Quantum simulations
- Very useful in trying to understand complicated system 
- By reproducing system that you can control better to better predict system
- Dramatic shift in modern physics as you can take out mathematics 
- Instead of simulating with mathematics you model it directly  with another system 
- Simulate particles similar to the higgs which you cannot do in any other way 
- though headlines like the simulated wormhole is nonsense
via [source](

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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# Machine Learning (QML)
Quantum machine learning is one of the biggest pillars of quantum computing application that we will see in the workforce of the future
One of the big contenders in this field is's [pennylane]( software. Recently version 0.25 was just released and a lot more applications can be created.
The following questions can finally be answered with [this]( release:
#### How many qubits/gates do I need to run this algorithm?
module for estimating through process of first and second quantization:
# first quantization
>>> n = 100000 # number of plane waves
>>> eta = 156 # number of electrons
>>> omega = 1145.166 # unit cell volume in atomic units
>>> algo = FirstQuantization(n, eta, omega)
>>> algo.gates
>>> algo.qubits
# second quantization with double factored Hamiltonian
# Hamiltonia
symbols = ['O', 'H', 'H']
geometry = np.array([[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.28377432],
[0.00000000, 1.45278171, -1.00662237],
[0.00000000, -1.45278171, -1.00662237]], requires_grad = False)
mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry, basis_name='sto-3g')
core, one, two = qml.qchem.electron_integrals(mol)()
algo = DoubleFactorization(one, two)
and voila!
>>> print(algo.gates, algo.qubits)
103969925, 290
and even more capabilities are available the more you explore! :)

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Quantum Metrology
In which special tools are being created to observe quantum effects

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Quantum Optimizations
Using QAOA

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Qiskit -Nature
The main cloud application that uses superconducting qubits is qisket. Qisket Nature depends on the main package.
- [Thermodynamic observable calculations ]( IBM quantum
### Installation
pip install qiskit[nature]
Further instructions can be read [here]( Installed via xonsh.
For hydrogen storage notebook --> use the ground state solver docs:
### 1. Define a molecular system:
Ask for the electronic part of a hydrogen molecule:
from qiskit import Aer
from qiskit_nature.drivers import UnitsType, Molecule
from qiskit_nature.drivers.second_quantization import (
from qiskit_nature.problems.second_quantization import ElectronicStructureProblem
from qiskit_nature.converters.second_quantization import QubitConverter
from qiskit_nature.mappers.second_quantization import JordanWignerMapper
molecule = Molecule(
geometry=[["H", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], ["H", [0.0, 0.0, 0.735]]], charge=0, multiplicity=1
driver = ElectronicStructureMoleculeDriver(
molecule, basis="sto3g", driver_type=ElectronicStructureDriverType.PYSCF
es_problem = ElectronicStructureProblem(driver)
qubit_converter = QubitConverter(JordanWignerMapper())
### 2. Define solver:
A solver aka the algorithm that the ground state is computed with. In chemistry the gound state is found with **variational quantum eignesolver (VQE)**
### 3.

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Qiskit
Qiskit is the fundamental thingy(best way to describe it at this point) that a lot of quantum computers will refer to nowadays (at least for the moment) from IBM. We first have to create a conda environment (or a xonsh one!) in which we install qiskiet and all necessary distributions. Here are the docs to get [started](
There seems to be qiskit distributions for:
- qiskit-visualization
- [qiskit-nature](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Qiskit-Nature)
- qiskiet-metal

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# Quantum Simulations
Whole systems are simulated without need for data or equations of mathematics by altering the options/probabilities of systems themselves. Helps us better understand complex systems.
The[ qiskit-nature](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Computers%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FTechnologies%2FComputer%20choices%2FIBM%2FQiskit-Nature) package would be a good one to use here.

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# Arline Benchmarks
The Arline Benchmarks are an independent third-party analysis tool to compare all the quantum processors that exist today with no affiliation to any of them. This then removes any bias and only looks at processors in terms of efficiency and speed-up. It has been used for compiler performance testing and more. Furthermore, it autogenerates benchmarking reports in LaTeX so you can get to experience that as well. You may also run it online [here]( by uploading the qasm files and comparing. It currently works with Qiskit, Tket, PyZX, & VOQC.
### Folder Structure
The folder structure for Arline Benchmarks once installed looks like this:
├── arline_benchmarks # platform classes
│ ├── config_parser # parser of pipeline configuration
│ ├── engine # pipeline engine
│ ├── metrics # metrics for pipeline comparison
| ├── pipeline # pipeline
│ ├── reports # LaTeX report generator
│ ├── strategies # list of strategies for mapping/compression/rebase
│ └── targets # target generator
├── circuits # qasm circuits dataset
├── configs # configuration files
│ └── compression # config .jsonnet file and .sh scripts
├── docs # documentation
├── scripts # run files
└── test # tests
├── qasm_files # .qasm files for test
└── targets # test for targets module

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Agnostiq
Agnostiq is a platform that helps streamline the tools needed to build quantum solutions for the future.
There is an open source version called covalent as well which is worth trying as well.
![[Pasted image 20220827183015.png]]
Covalent allows for an easy workflow environment as well and can be used to further coordinate your quantum work as you delve further.

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# Womanium 2022
Here I will go through all research, steps, processes, tests, and methods used for the Womanium Hackathon.
The main github repo:
*Primary Goals include:*
- [Building]( circuits with ``pytket``
- comparing againsts others with [Arline Benchmarks](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Arline%20Benchmarks)
- Solving for the hydrogen storage problem with LiCl molecule as found [here](
## A-Z: Arline Benchmarks:
1. Firstly, it was discussed that the [arline benchmark]( will be a good place to begin to compare quantum processing speeds! Begin by following that and installing that on your machine.
- the verified optimizer for quantum circuits or [VOQC]( is another analysis tool we will need. Install that as well.

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# Welcome!
You've become curious as any adventurer would and have decided to embark on a grand journey: the journey to understand quantum - in all of its computation, application, and more. It's a journey I'm undergoing myself as I begin to write this and instead of creating an archive of quantum papers, code, games, platforms, tools, research, or more I thought it'd be more impactful to create an obsidian knowledge base as I continue to grow into the quantum journey along with you all.
This will be helpful to me as both review and discovery as well as hopefully to you and others who have decided in various moments in life to begin the path to conquer what lies at the end of the quantum quest.
[Next up](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Computers%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FIntro%20to%20Quantum%20Technologies): Look over at THE intro to quantum tech to get up to speed. [--> ](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Computers%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FTechnologies%2FIntro%20to%20Quantum%20Technologies)
Welcome & Good Luck! ^-^
##### When finished: the 3 current main applications
As said by Konstantinos there are generally **three large pillars** of application to use QC for:
1. [Optimizations](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Quantum%20Optimizations)
2.[ Machine Learning ](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Quantum%20Machine%20Learning)
3. [Simulations](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Quantum%20Simulations)

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# Bash
Bash is a classic and should always be understood. After all, it was the first shell that you used so there's a bit of nostalgia surrounding it.

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# Terminal To-do's
Because customizing your terminal for your computer is FUN! Here is a list of things that is on my tentative list of things I'd like to play around with:
~~- Getting [wikit]( set up on the terminal ~~
- t~~his led to the installation of [fink](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Terminal%20Tips%2FFink) as it's only available via Linux commands~~

Project Vault/.DS_Store vendored 100644

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- a good guide of Data visualization setup

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# F.A.Q. for 14th. Street Hm members/card holders 
If you still managed to keep your 14th st Hack Manhattan card & keys ! Congratulations - you now have a wonderful momento/gateway/key to Hack Manhattan Inc. 
Since every member familiar with 14th street coming back to visit the space has asked how to gain access to the new 34th street location with their key, here is a handy F.A.Q for a seamless transition.
* Does your card still work? 
Since the .json file for card holders to the 137 W. 14th location still lives on for record-keeping in the usual git repository & the pi to the door may not be connected anymore. Therefore The 14th Street card will **NOT** work for the new 34 W. 37th st location. 
* How do I get access to the new space?
You must coordinate with an available member at the 34th st location to come to the space at 34 W. 37th Street to activate your card (& test that it works) and/or pick up your keys. You are then free to access the space at your leisure!
Why the move?
Though to be clear what I just did was absolutely not the proper way to grant access, the right way to do it is for each repository > Click Settings tab on top of the repository so like > wesite-spacey(that's the one for registering key cards)>Settings > collaborators &teams on the left > and individually choose members of the hm organization to add to the repo (if they said they're interested in contributing to it)
====What should I know about the new location?====
- the last one to leave the space at night should lock the outer building door
- we are not supposed to go above the floor we are on (2nd floor) to other floors
- roof access is prohibited
Upon the sudden news,HM members frequenting the space created #Space-Force to figure out the situation and/or find a new home to avoid legal repercussion. The building ended up getting bought by new owners and after lots of searching and discussions with other tenants and also legal notices and bold decision making, 34 W 37th Street was decided upon as the alternate location for a 5 year lease. The lease began August 2022. A dedicated crew of Hack Manhattan members worked to move necessary materials from 14th street to 37th street. During the transition process
Does your card still work? 
Since the .json file to the 14th location still lives on for the HM records in the usual repository, the pi to the door may not be connected anymore. Therefore the card will NOT work for the 37th st location. 
Can you get a new card? 
Yes you may get a new card for the new location at any time.
Can I set up the card myself? 
While you may be familiar with setting up the rfid card yourself and doing the testing yourself, for the new location an email must be sent to the building manager (Mayer Saadia) to allow access through into the outside door through RFID which may take 24-48 hours. Alternatively, you may request physical keys instead to enter the building. For the inner door to Hack Manhattan after entering the building, the RFID card set up is as normal & any member who knows how to do this is capable of doing this.
Since a member kept frequently losing her card to the new space there is $5 fee for losing your new card though this isnt enforced by anyone unless youre just mean. 
What is enforced though now is a code of conduct!
And bc its  been asked several times from people who was at the old space (because I somehow do still have my old building card though - the .json file for that lives on in the hm repo but the rfid connection to the door is taken down now @citybadger  would know more so old card stopped working end of last year for me but yeah a nice momento :)  - the new cards are a different type of card aka they start w different numbers
### How can I gain access to the 34 W 37th Street Location?
You must coordinate with an available member at the 34th St location to come to the space at 34 W. 37th Street to activate your card (& test that it works) and/or pick up your keys. You are then free to access the space at your leisure! Welcome back!
### Can I set up the card myself?
While you may be familiar with setting up the key card yourself, for the new location an email must be sent to the building manager (Mayer Saadia) to allow access through into the outside door via the associated key card which may take 24-48 hours on his end. Alternatively, you may request physical keys instead to enter the building in the meantime.
For the inner door to Hack Manhattan after entering the building, the key card registration in the same process only now there is an alternate folder which corresponds to these key cards at the 34 W 37th St. It is generally considered okay for you to register your own keycard into the git. You may additionally request a member to do it for you.
However, It is generally considered okay for you to register your own keycard into the git certain circumstances.
- If it contains minor "hard fact" errors, such as an incorrect date, a mistake in spelling or grammar, or a dead link, then please correct those errors.
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- incorporated officially as Windtelligent AI LLC
### May Events
### June Events
### July Events
### August Events
# Windtelligent Q1
- created a private repository

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@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ Currently, I am the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a wind speed prediction co
It may be worth it to continue keeping the collection of [folders]( that I have building the company and to further delve into the growing [github]( repository which I have still yet to make changes or contribute to....
Anyways, here is the website for Windtelligent and here is the the list of things that is still on the bucket list left to do with our product. One feature at a time rememember.
Anyways, [here is the website]( for Windtelligent explaining what we are trying to build and here is[ the wish list of things](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips& that is still on the bucket list left to do with our product. One feature at a time remember.

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Being a lab TA for Microsoft! The program starts February 04th, 2023.
Here is the [airtable]( form to fill out for being a TA. And also [the general link ]([]( information on the position itself.

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All official documents pertaining to The Coding School are stored [here]( - that will serve as the main drive for storing docs into for reference.
This is mainly used for taking notes and as an on-going knowledge base of things I think of or have ideas about rather than putting it into a google doc or drive.
"''No such thing, **bad** **student**. **Only** **bad** teacher.''" - Mr. Miyagi
- Days of the fellowship drive?
- Microsoft Winter School Lab TA [information](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%2FCareers%2FCurrent%20Occupations%2Fqubit%20x%20qubit%2FMicrosoft%20Winter%20School%20TA)
I've hardly kept my LinkedIn up to date but I'm excited to announce that I've started working a 1 year long fellowship at The Coding School, an international non-profit specifically dedicated to teaching and training diverse student populations around the globe the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and AI through code. The reach and impact of this organization is inspiring particularly the Qubit by Qubit program which has educated over 40,000 students and where I am helping to teach and develop updated curriculum & coded notebooks for the various Quantum & AI programs. I'm glad I was able to the contribute to the curriculum of Sydney Quantum Academy and the current program of the Microsoft Winter School where I am excited for hundreds of students to learn about running quantum algorithms on the Azure Platform. The best thing about working here so far is the highly supportive and inclusive work culture with fast-paced action as there truly is a lot of work to be done in this mission-driven work to train in quantum and AI. as well as the AWS TRAIN Program serving to educate professionals at HBCUs and community colleges. I'm happy and excited to contribute to the awesome team here while I continuing to research and develop my own code and contributions to the quantum industry. :)
The coolest thing is that education offers an environment for teams to work in a cross-company setting by learning about all the tools that are out there for efficient AI and quantum use. I hope more organizations continue to grow in this way and as a life-long learner, I hope I can teach some things along the way too to people that normally wouldn't know. I think this cross-corporation approach used to educate students is immensely useful in order to create a less divisive and more collaborative world and being able to introduce all the tools and tricks I've learned along way is something I am happy to do going forward that we can for curious technology learners will have huge impact in the years to come.
In particular, I am grateful to my freshman year computer science professor at the University of Connecticut Alexander Russell who taught us functional programming in LISP and the intro to cryptography class while ALSO teaching juijuitsu , so while students barely hung on by a thread in his difficult programming course he was also able to literally kick our butts to those also taking Juijitsu!
He was awesome and also I'm grateful to my supervisor when I was an intern developer on the ML team under Gabriel Marques was the best boss I've ever had especially because he was such a good teacher to me. I took this approach with Charu and Brian this year and I am also glad they enjoyed their experience because it was derived from the experienced of being under Gabriel at Schrodinger. So a quick public thank you needs to be said to Gabriel Marques and my friend Peter Shenkin.
For those interested, I would highly recommend enrolling in the Qubit by Qubit program open to any one from high school to senior citizens to get a sense of how things are taught, perhaps you can be a part of changing the landscape for tomorrow.
As the saying goes, education isn't free, you have to pay attention.
(i'm pro-FOSS though)

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Slides are lectures and lab materials that I have worked on at my time in Qubit by Qubit teaching quantum computing and AI.
- AWS Professional Development TrAIn Program
- Sydney Quantum Academy Summer Camp
- Microsoft Winter School
- Qubit by Qubit Year-long quantum education program
- TRAIN Year-long AI education program
- CodeConnects - the older part of the original TCS initiative

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For the Complexity Explorer site at Santa Fe Institute -
**Title:** Digital Media Specialist
**Reports To:** Director of Communications
**Classification:** Full time (37.5) hours per week
**Job Description**
The Santa Fe Institute is looking for a Digital Media Specialist with a committed interest in science to create compelling narratives using new media and digital tools. Reporting to the Director of Communications, the Digital Media Specialist will primarily manage our social media and audiovisual productions to create thoughtful engagement. They will also contribute to monitoring and documentation efforts on our online digital platforms.
**Core Responsibilities:**
- Coordinate and collaborate with communications team members and the SFI community of scientists and researchers to identify meaningful content to share on social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon, YouTube)
- Maintain a consistent voice for the Institute while adapting it to fit styles across platforms
- Contribute to creating digital communication kits that include short-form audiovisual elements
- Implement and support media campaigns aligned with SFIs communication goals
- Populate, evaluate, and monitor our social and digital presence to inform and build positive engagement
- Stay up-to-date on digital media trends, patterns, and developments
- Manage and document SFI communications digital archives
**Required skills and experience:**
- Knowledge of social and digital media platforms, and their related trends, strategy, and metrics
- Strong verbal, written, and visual communication skills
- Experience producing and editing videos for web-based platforms
- Strong eye for photographic composition
- Ability to collaborate and develop ideas, openness to receiving constructive feedback, work in a team, and perform under tight deadlines
**Required qualifications:**
- Bachelors degree in science, communications, or a related field
- Minimum 2 years of work experience in digital media or similar role
- Proficiency with media software such as Final Cut Pro, Adobe Photoshop, etc.
**Preferred skills and experience:**
- Experience in a scientific and/or non-profit organization
- Ability to create animations, infographics, and data visualizations
- Knowledge of HTML and familiarity with content management systems
**To Apply:**
- Please submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 2-3 references.
- Please also submit screenshots of 5-10 social media posts you have authored with hyperlinks to original posts, and samples of your writing, audio, video, and other related digital media products.
The Santa Fe Institute is an equal opportunity employer. Women and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply, as are individuals who have taken unconventional paths in their careers.
SFI is a vaccinated community; to be employed by SFI and on-site you must provide proof of primary vaccination against COVID-19.

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# Foam application
**About the Company**
FOAM is a low cost, open source radio protocol made for blockchain applications needing verified location services independent of GPS. Our team is committed to building unprecedented use cases that offer a high level of security and resiliency, offering new solutions over conventional geospatial technologies. Proof of Location is a critical prerequisite for the further development of Web3 use cases, accelerating a world where smart contracts interact with the physical world.
The Foamspace team is based out of the New Lab at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, an interdisciplinary workspace designed to support urban entrepreneurs leveraging advanced technologies and are a Remote friendly company. We are expanding our team with a number of exciting roles to support the launch of our network.
The team is now working with external community members to setup “Trust Zones” in other locations, to stress test the radios and learn more about key Zone parameters such as distance, obstructions, shape, topography, etc.
The FOAM team is looking for a technical writer who can write and refine technical user guides for Trust Zone operators. This includes documenting everything from Zone Anchor (radio hardware) assembly and installation, to running experiments and monitoring the health of Trust Zones using FOAMs web-app called Hostel (software). The technical writer would be an Independent Contractor, but there is potential for being hired as a full-time employee later, depending on the quality of deliverables.
### Responsibilities
- Help develop and oversee the implementation of the FOAM Trust Zone beta program's documentation, communications, outreach, and logistics; while working together with the founders, engineering team, and project manager.
- Attend team meetings to gather content and generate interesting and engaging documentation, with guidance from engineering team and project manager.
- As a Technical Writer, you will be receiving hardware components and access to our internal Wiki. By following the FOAM Zone Anchor assembly instructions yourself, you will document your process, comment on and rewrite the guides as necessary. This further extends to mounting guides, antenna selection guides and guides that you can contribute to suggest as new contributions.
- The job may require management of the communication channels of potential Zone operators and community members, including overseeing content and material explaining the program.
- Additional duties may include research and communication with potential FOAM partners, help with strategizing work on future applications built on the protocol, and building a FOAM marketing presence on channels like Twitter, Discord, and Reddit.
### Qualifications
- Must be able to write clear and concise documentation.
- Excellent writing, communication, and organizational skills.
- Passionate about blockchain technology, decentralization, geospatial systems, and/or IoT systems.
- Able to quickly understand complex technical concepts and make them understandable through documentation.
- Technical documentation writing experience preferred.
- Bonus for hardware and/or software training experience, but not required.
- Bonus for having an understanding of radio equipment, geospatial systems, and/or any embedded systems.
Competitive and commensurate with experience.

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# IBM Data Scientist Interview
There are several types of questions they might ask.
This is a[ good website]( to check out to try to prep for the interview.
### String Mapping
[Answer now](
Given two strings, `string1` and `string2`, write a function `str_map` to determine if there exists a one-to-one correspondence (bijection) between the characters of `string1` and `string2`.
For the two strings, our correspondence must be between characters in the same position/index.
**Example 1:**
string1 = 'qwe'
string2 = 'asd'
string_map(string1, string2) == True
# q = a, w = s, and e = d
**Example 2:**
string1 = 'donut'
string2 = 'fatty'
string_map(string1, string2) == False
# cannot map two distinct characters to two equal characters
**Example 3:**
string1 = 'enemy'
string2 = 'enemy'
string_map(string1, string2) == True
# there exists a one-to-one correspondence between equivalent strings
**Example 4:**
string1 = 'enemy'
string2 = 'ymene'
string_map(string1, string2) == False
# since our correspondence must be between characters of the same index, this case returns 'False' as we must map e = y AND e = e
### Total Transactions
- a good [SQL Hackerrank article ]( via Medium
How would you deal with outliers when training a model?

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# Machine Learning Engineer Brookhaven National Labs
application link:

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# Running List of References 
Product Reliability Solutions Engineer
**Tasks and duties**
Liaising with clients and technical and sales teams to determine requirements and solutions. Brainstorming with Software Developers and Engineers to find solutions to problems. Determining the optimal and most cost-effective solutions. Presenting solutions to clients and stakeholders.
“"Solutions Engineers work closely with clients and partners to understand real world problems and solve them with code. They build and architect solutions that address these business challenges through technology.”
A solutions engineer provides solutions to network problems. It's a highly technical position that often involves acting as a software developer to see development lifecycles through. As a solutions engineer, you cx  mmmusually work as part of a team to provide support for both the business and customers.
Take your software engineering management introduction material and use that as a reference to answer problems  just as  efficiently as possible quite honestly. Palantir is sort of an evil company you arent losing out on anything if you don't work for them anyways.       
You have 60 minutes to read about a Palantir System and recommend how you'd approach troubleshooting a complaint from users. All of the information you need to know about (1) the original complaint and (2) the Palantir System is provided, but it is not essential to be familiar with all of the terminology used in the multiple choice questions. We recommend making sure you have reference materials available before starting this exercise as some of the words/concepts/tools might be new to you and will require some research. However you are not allowed to copy/paste any solutions you may find (including from websites, books, or friends and colleagues) to complete this assessment; all solutions must be your own. Use your reference materials and the information provided to determine the best way to investigate our Forward Deployed Engineer's product issue (it's what we do every day!).
Good luck!
## Tips from Rachel the recruiter : 
- Not a coding challenger, this is more of Troubleshooting assessment 
- The only part of coding is  a page  of code to  review, find the main bugs in application
- Trying to identify where is the code broken 
- How is this affecting the software/service 
- How to resolving the issue at hand 
- The first 4 questions →  multiple choice 
- Giving metrics - a scenario  
- Choose the best answer  possible
- Manager  said only one true  answer - what is likely to happen
- Questions 5  and 6 - system graphs questions 
- Something someone told her a customer experiencing slowness in an app 
- Services that the app does - asks what modules does this app do 
- Theyll give you technical data and metrics  to identify the exact issue based on the technical data given 
- Troubleshooting, debugging, more on the strategic side 
- Find where is  it broke
- How is it affecting the service, how would I go about solving this ?
- They're looking for you to list your process
- They want you to pretend as if you are already in the role 
- Documenting your process is key 

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# Site Reliability Engineering Lead
Your Role and Responsibilities
The IBM Discovery Platform is a cloud-native system for accelerating scientific discovery. It makes advanced tool kits for modeling, simulation, quantum, and other capabilities readily available to scientific organizations pursuing research in areas such as drug discovery, material science, climate modeling, etc. Acceleration is achieved both from the automation and productivity provided by the IBM Discovery Platform, as a whole, and from the specific capabilities provided by the tool kits individually.
You will be part of a highly motivated and skilled team incubating a new business for IBM with the goal of accelerating science and societal impact, focusing especially in chemistry, materials, biomedical sciences, climate, and sustainability. As a Discovery Platform Site Reliability Engineer Lead, you will guide a team of site reliability engineers to spearhead the Discovery Platform's maturity as a highly available and reliable software as a service (SaaS) offering. You will mentor software engineers, product managers, and other team members on SRE principles and practices to ensure the Discovery Platform meets our reliability goals.
Applicants should have prior experience with SRE tools and techniques for building, deploying, operating, and supporting large scale, hybrid cloud platforms and services, based on Kubernetes. Particular challenges include optimizing demanding workloads with large, distributed data sets, heterogeneous computation platforms, and operational requirements for highly available and reliable services, as well as regulated data on public and private infrastructure.
What you will do
Specific responsibilities include:
- Provide technical leadership and mentoring of SREs and for the rest of the team on SRE principles, practices, and tools.
- Implement and document deployed SRE tools and procedures. 
- Provide and coordinate timely support efforts for incidents when they happen.
- Work closely with other team leaders to refine the product roadmap, including specific features and release plans, especially as they influence or are influenced by SRE concerns.
- Work closely with other engineers to refine the platform architecture and design consistent with state-of-the-art DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) processes and practices that are used to create, deploy, and manage our software.
- Work with minimal supervision solo or collaboratively with other team members as required to deliver high-quality work in an efficient manner.
At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.
Required Technical and Professional Expertise
- BS/BA degree in a technical field, or equivalent experience.
- 5+ years of experience in a Site Reliability Engineering role using one or more programming language ecosystems and software development processes.
- Demonstrated ability to organize, prioritize, and multi-task in a fast paced, changing, and agile development environment to meet deadlines.
- Effective written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
- Leadership skills such as empathy, organization, the ability to guide and motivate others and to address the problems they encounter.
Preferred Technical and Professional Experience
Any of the following additional skills are highly desirable.
- Experience developing software with Python, Go, Bash, or similar languages, and their ecosystems of tools and libraries.
- Experience with cloud-native environments, such as AWS (S3, lambda, CloudTrails, etc) or other cloud vendors.
- Experience with Kubernetes.
- Prior experience in a technical leadership role.
- Experience in a data science or data engineering environment.
- Experience with AI/ML, Quantum Computing, or High Performance Computing (HPC).
- Experience in scientific research or software engineering for research.
Required Education
Bachelor's Degree
Preferred Education
About Business Unit
IBM Research is the organic growth engine of IBM and an innovation engine for our customers and partners. As part of this mission, IBM Research anticipates and examines 'What's Next in Computing' to ultimately create and integrate the technologies the world relies upon to solve big challenges and unlock new opportunities. We create and pioneer new markets for IBM, our partners and customers as exemplified in our ongoing quest to reach practical and large-scale quantum computing. Across IBM Research, we realize the power and potential to accelerate discovery with our partners and clients by combining the power of high performance computing, AI, and Quantum, all integrated through the hybrid cloud.
Wonder if IBM is the one for you?
In a world where technology never stands still, we understand that, dedication to our clients success, innovation that matters, and trust and personal responsibility in all our relationships, lives in what we do as IBMers as we strive to be the catalyst that makes the world work better.
Being an IBMer means youll be able to learn and develop yourself and your career, youll be encouraged to be courageous and experiment everyday, all whilst having continuous trust and support in an environment where everyone can thrive whatever their personal or professional background.
Our IBMers are growth minded, always staying curious, open to feedback and learning new information and skills to constantly transform themselves and our company. They are trusted to provide on-going feedback to help other IBMers grow, as well as collaborate with colleagues keeping in mind a team focused approach to include different perspectives to drive exceptional outcomes for our customers. The courage our IBMers have to make critical decisions everyday is essential to IBM becoming the catalyst for progress, always embracing challenges with resources they have to hand, a can-do attitude and always striving for an outcome focused approach within everything that they do.
Are you ready to be an IBMer?
This job requires you to provide your COVID-19 vaccination status with supporting documentation, where legally permissible.
About IBM
IBMs greatest invention is the IBMer. We believe that through the application of intelligence, reason and science, we can improve business, society and the human condition, bringing the power of an open hybrid cloud and AI strategy to life for our clients and partners around the world.
Restlessly reinventing since 1911, we are not only one of the largest corporate organizations in the world, were also one of the biggest technology and consulting employers, with many of the Fortune 50 companies relying on the IBM Cloud to run their business.
At IBM, we pride ourselves on being an early adopter of artificial intelligence, quantum computing and blockchain. Now its time for you to join us on our journey to being a responsible technology innovator and a force for good in the world.
Other Relevant Job Details
IBM offers a wide range of resources for eligible IBMers to thrive both inside and outside of work. In addition to a competitive benefits program consisting of medical and life insurance, retirement plans, and time off, eligible employees may also have access to:
·12 weeks of paid parental bonding leave. Family care options are also available to support eligible employees during COVID-19.
·World-class training and educational resources on our personalized, AI-driven learning platform. IBM's learning culture supports your restless attitude to grow your skills and build the depth and scale of knowledge needed to achieve your career goals.
·Well-being programs to support mental and physical health. ·Financial programs that empower you to plan, save, and manage your money (including expert financial counseling, 401(k), IBM stock discount, etc.).
·Select educational reimbursement opportunities.
·Diverse and inclusive employee resource groups where you can network and connect with IBMers across the globe.
·Giving and volunteer programs to benefit charitable organizations and local communities.
·Discounts on retail products, services, and experiences.
The compensation range for this position is based on a full-time schedule. The salary will vary depending on your job-related skills, experience and location. Pay increment and frequency of pay will be in accordance with employment classification and applicable laws. For part time roles, your compensation will be adjusted to reflect your hours.
We consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable law.
IBM Vaccination Policy
This job requires you to provide your COVID-19 vaccination status with supporting documentation, where legally permissible.
Being You @ IBM
IBM is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, pregnancy, disability, age, veteran status, or other characteristics. IBM is also committed to compliance with all fair employment practices regarding citizenship and immigration status.
United States
State / Province
City / Township / Village
IBM Business Group
Primary job category
Site Reliability Engineer
Secondary Job Category
Other Site Reliability Engineer
Role ( Job Role )
Site Reliability Engineering Professional
Employment Type
Contract type
Projected Maximum Salary
Projected Minimum Salary
Early Professional Track
Not Applicable - Professional Hire
Position Type
Travel Required
No Travel
(0147) International Business Machines Corporation
Is this role a commissionable/sales incentive based position?

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Minimum qualifications
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.
• 1 year of experience creating content for a technical audience, including developer documentation, computer science course materials, and/or IT administration playbooks.
• Experience working with technologies (e.g., software or hardware systems) by investigation, experimentation (e.g., reading or running code), and/or interactions with subject matter experts (SMEs). Preferred qualifications:
• Experience working with researchers and software engineers. • Experience with Colab.
• Outstanding written communication skills to communicate to a technical audience.
About the job
Technical writers plan, create, and maintain educational content as an integral part of the engineering or user experience. The content is often in the form of documentation, but may also be UI text, sample code, videos, or other educational material.
Regardless of the content medium, technical writers are distinguished by their abilities to explain complex topics in a way thats useful to their audience. Brain is a team of Scientists, Software Engineers, and other cross-functional collaborators who work together to make machines intelligent and improve people's lives through advancement in the fundamental theory and an understanding of machine learning and through research in the service of product. We believe that openly disseminating research is critical to a healthy exchange of ideas, leading to rapid progress in the field. As such, we publish our research regularly at academic conferences and release our tools as open source projects.
• Work with Research teams to create content that showcases their work through Google Research channels, conference presentations, etc.
• Create technical documentation for research efforts.
• Provide scientific editorial support to uplevel the written quality of papers.
Google is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or Veteran status. We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with legal requirements. See also Google's EEO Policy and EEO is the Law. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know by completing our Accommodations for Applicants form

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Terra Quantum Applied Researcher Quantum Machine Learning 
Edit resume: [here]( on google drive.
The one i ended up submitting is on [here](
The Role:  
The Quantum Applied Researcher (ML) is part of Terra Quantums research and development & delivery  organization, which is responsible for conducting the core research in quantum computing and implementing the  algorithms in a form of the software product, ensuring the companys ability to implement it, and aligning the  product vision with the corporate vision. The Quantum Applied Researcher reports to the Program Manager  supporting continuous research and development and improvement, including algorithms engineering, -research, - design. With a clear and customer-oriented product mindset, the Quantum ML Engineer technically guides junior  members of their team in targeted and efficient algorithms engineering. Working closely with product management  and -strategy, the Quantum Applied Researcher understands all the technical aspects of developing scalable, easy to-use, secure, practical, and intuitive software. Also, the Quantum Applied Researcher will understand the market  needs in terms of quantum technology and what can be built on the research output.  
With an eye for detail, the Quantum Applied Researcher (ML) helps their teams strive for perfection and has a  capacity for enthusiasm and shows their team that they partake in the paramount mission to make quantum  technologies broadly available and accessible and change the world for the better.  
The Responsibilities 
The Quantum Applied Researcher (ML) should expect to work on customer projects within the Quantum Machine  Learning Team.  
Industrial customer projects implementation  
o Bringing in novel quantum algorithmic ideas based on industry needs (chemistry, pharmaceutical,  energy, financial, automotive, space industries) and the state-of-the-art scientific literature  o Researching the existing classical and quantum machine learning solutions to customer problems  o Exploring and testing the best ways to hybridize classical machine learning solutions with  quantum machine learning  
o Developing and implementing (in Python) quantum and hybrid quantum machine learning  algorithmic solutions to customer problems 
o Working on finding a theoretical or empirical advantage of using hybrid quantum-classical  machine learning in customer problems 
o Writing results as applied research papers, and assisting in business papers and reports  preparation  
Software engineering and product preparation  
o Packaging of the developed quantum machine learning algorithms and solutions into user-friendly libraries,  e.g. using Python frameworks 
o Supporting the implementation of the APIs that are used to for the libraries access 
o Under consideration of the product strategy, contributing to the software product architecture and  supporting Product team in to transition Terra Quantums portfolio projects and R&D into scalable and  reliable products  
The Requirements 
The Quantum Applied Researcher (ML) is expected to have the following qualifications.  
● Degree in computer science, physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, or equivalent subject  ● Advanced expertise in one or more quantum programming languages (Qiskit, Q#, Pennylane, Cirq, Quipper,  Scaffold, tket) 
● Publication record in quantum machine learning 
● Experience working with the classical machine learning algorithms 
● Expert knowledge in Python 
● Expert knowledge in Pytorch and TensorFlow 
● Experience in programming for GPUs and/or TPUs
● Experience in office and management software, document, and presentation preparation (Outlook,  PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Overleaf, Jira and Confluence) 
● Proficiency in written and spoken English 
● Goal-oriented, analytical and the ability to work independently and within the team ● Clear and customer-oriented agile and team-oriented approach

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In terms of priorities to obtain a career that you admire & of what you want! Though of course, as the [essay]( explains, it requires a bit of diligent discipline to apply & achieve.
Thanks to Nick for telling me about this method of applying to stuff when I'm looking to switch occupation about making a list of 60 with the jobs I don't like at the top so that it doesn't freak me out too much when I apply and receive word back from ones I really was hoping for.
Thanks to Nick from Hack Manhattan for telling me about this method of applying to stuff when I'm looking to switch occupation about making a list of 60 with the jobs I don't like at the top so that it doesn't freak me out too much when I apply and receive word back from ones I really was hoping for.
Remember: the first ones of the list are the ones you care about the **least** so don't stress about those ones too much. At this point is just whichever job responds back to you. You can find coding assessment tips [here](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Python%2FCoding%20Assessment%2FHackerRank%2FAbout%20HackerRank%20Tips). However, some of these jobs may not even require a coding assessment. Remember, Schrodinger never asked one of you! :-) Refer back to your older positions too and all the things that you had learned from your experiences there.
@ -44,5 +44,30 @@ Good luck and keep going!
30. [D-Wave]( Software Developer/Researcher Algorithms --->
31. NASA [Engineer](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Careers%2FPotential%20and%20Future%2F60%20careers%2FNASA%20Engineer) **applied**
32. Quant Developer Consultant position at CME
33. [DevOps]( for ORNL
34. Machine Learning Engineer for Brookhaven
35. Oak ridge [devops](
36. [Foamspace](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Careers%2F60%20careers%2FFoamspace%20technical%20writer) technical writer
37. [Solutions Engineer ](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Careers%2F60%20careers%2FPalantir%20Solutions%20Engineer)for Palantir
38. IBM [Data Scientist ](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Careers%2F60%20careers%2FIBM%20%20Data%20Scientist)
39. TerraQuantum [Quantum ML Researcher](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Careers%2FPotential%20and%20Future%2F60%20careers%2FTerra%20Quantum%20Applied%20Researcher%20Quantum%20Machine%20Learning) --> responded. result: want someone from Europe
40. Weights & Biases - Machine Learning Support Engineer --> responded. result: second interview-**never completed**
41. [Site Reliability Engineering Lead](obsidian://open?vault=Quantum%20Vault&file=Careers%2FPotential%20and%20Future%2F60%20careers%2FSite%20Reliability%20Engineering%20Lead) - IBM
42. AI Technical Trainer - --> result: quick second interview, rejected
43. [Graduate Research Assistant]( - Los Alamos Labs
44. Quantum Education Fellow - Qubit x Qubit//The coding school --> result: **success**
Another list of 60 is needed in order to move forward from the fellowship position, ideally tech/quantum adjacent.
1. Dispute Resolution Specialist --> resume sent over.
2. Google [Technical Writer. ](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%2FCareers%2FPotential%20and%20Future%2F60%20careers%2FTechnical%20Writer%20position)
3. NSA Jobs
4. Digital Media Specialist for SFI
5. AssemblyAI --> interviewed: no
6. Space Dynamics Lab --> interviewed: haven't heard back
7. Schrodinger --> submitted application
8. Microsoft Quantum SWE --> submitted: no but encouraged to look at other roles

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