![[Pasted image 20230315004917.png]] ### DAY 1 **Speakers** ###### Compact & Extensible Portable Scheme VM Talk given by Marc Feeley - A talk about Scheme VM ``` {cond-expend (define-fecture time (decl ("import time")) (define-feature elapsed-time (use time) # import start time #features can also be enabled via # the command line)) } ``` - a long history of using Scheme - 1-5 ### DAY 2 ### DAY 3 Quantum Programming Workshop *FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ART, SCIENCE, & ENGINEERING*  On the website: [https://2023.programming-conference.org/home/qp-2023](https://2023.programming-conference.org/home/qp-2023)  #### **Speakers**:  ##### Stephanie Moroyallei - Quark  - Dynamic memory - and the comparitive difference of using that.  - Finite state machines → a talk about abstractions  - SMT solvers are better than SAT solvers basically in this case  - QUARC vs CNF formula  - When you dont use any SAT solver to constrain the problem, the space will get very big, CNF formula  Conclusion:  → QUARC encodes a classical function into a quantum circuit  - Bounded model checking gets substantial speedup using quantum  - Use semantic ___, first use SMT optimization to deal with the memory issues than use bit-blasting - generating random bits to deal with the intentional array problem  --- ##### Ryo Wakizaka - Distributed Clusters with Quantum Interconnects  - Dealing with QuICS - quantum internet → quantum protocols  - Quantum computer clusters form distributed networks  - Model checking tools through PRISM  - Used to check for connectedness of BB84 protocol  - We need efficient and universal checking techniques  - Matrix → inefficient but universal - Stabilizer → efficient, but not universal  - Equivalence checking with ZX calculus  - Is the graphical language for quantum computing  - Equivalence checking tools are available  - Not for quantum communication tprotocols though  - The plan is to check for universality  - Switching to quantum computer clusters  - IBM Kookaburra 1386 x 3 qubits ~ 2024   - Essential technology for non large quantum program → distributed quantum compulters  Where you have 2 processors and the are done remotely via telegate  - Need a target langage - so that we don't run into issues with run time and deadlock  - Enable static verification  - inQUIR based on dpi calculus  - With key primitive being location  - There is a circuit representation th Equivalent cirucit representation is there: ``` p1 { q1 = init(); c = genEnt[p2](1); rcxc[p2](q1, c); } || p2{ q2 = init(); c = genEnt[p1]() rcxc[p1](q2, c) } ``` ##### Lisa Yeh - **[Generalized W state circuits in the qudit Clifford hierarchy](https://2023.programming-conference.org/home/qp-2023#)** #### Dinner! (-: with Will, Ryk, & Lia ~ - smallTalk - is used by a lot of financial industries because it is not very well known and can do things really fast in - it is a programming language that can create systems very quickly - The story of [Jane Street](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Street_Capital) company - apparently it employs many people from Oxford - they largely use smallTalk - also employed Sam Friedman Bankman as their intern - on Hackerspaces - Recurse Center formerly known as Hacker School but changed because it caused a lot of immigration issues (lol) - going to Tokyo hackerspace - something about being able to atomize and send encodings that way with ham radio - SCHEME!!! - a new book by Gerry Sussman is out :-D - Software Design for Flexibility - on Versioning and Containerization - this issue of having reproducible results - Ryk was telling a story about how this site that was hosting their package that was needed for their project was needed - but the code didnt work and the only thing was that the versioning changed - had to host it locally but still versioning issue - Will mentioned blockchain - putting it on the distributed system and then hashing it - Docker was mention - what is better than docker? Nix (for linux) - GNU GNUIX for scheme! - akihabara is good for radio and electronics - Hen shen - the silicon valley of hardware parts (or at least used to be, may not be anymore) -