# Quantum games & hackathons That's right. Quantum computing doesn't have to be all kets and psis. Things are often best learned through games :) # Games --- - [Meqanic](https://meqanic.com/app/) is probably one of the first mobile iOS games released in 2014- a puzzle game ![[Pasted image 20230501164740.png]] - Competitions are the best sort of games. Hackathons are available galore. - Entangled States game found [here](https://ed.quantum.ieee.org/entangled-states/) - Play Quantum Chess - some basic rules can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EGDTtPB_rii1YLbWwXBCWdj76YYKaggVAoVE3ou_MsQ/edit?usp=sharing) - [Making a game](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Quantum%20Realm%2FGames!!%2FGDevelop%2FMaking%20%20Games%20through%20GDevelop) through [GDevelop](gdevelop.io.md) - [Clear the Chaos ](https://liluo.io/games/9e44f682-eeee-4a78-9cfd-ea0f375bb780) - Make a rubik's cube through [Ursina](https://www.ursinaengine.org) - There is a actually a full-blown[ board game called Entanglion ](https://github.com/Entanglion/entanglion) - made for two players - [QiskitBlocks](https://vimeo.com/356185384) is a game for teaching quantum to kids - ![[Pasted image 20230214115036.png]] - Play [Quantum Navigator](https://docs.google.com/document/d/145u_UE17639HGWvNgHkopJsIfvQ_UGUwLCFIJFjjeSw/edit) by controlling Joey the Otter - Learn quantum mechanics at the same time! - THE quantum arcade!! Sponsored by [Quantum Hub](https://quantum-hub.herokuapp.com) - they also teach [quantum computing](https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27046227/) in Scratch! ---