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notes/Machine Tips (Quantum)/My Quantum Vault/Quantum Master's Paper/Code Samples/templates/Shor's

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#!/usr/bin/env python3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Created on Tue Jul 27 20:31:40 2021

@author: sollyboukman


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, Aer, transpile, assemble

from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram

from math import gcd

from numpy.random import randint

import pandas as pd

from fractions import Fraction

from math import gcd # greatest common divisor

def c_amod15(a, power):

"""Controlled multiplication by a mod 15"""

if a not in [2,7,8,11,13]:

raise ValueError("'a' must be 2,7,8,11 or 13")

U = QuantumCircuit(4)

for iteration in range(power):

if a in [2,13]:




if a in [7,8]:




if a == 11:



if a in [7,11,13]:

for q in range(4):


U = U.to_gate() = "%i^%i mod 15" % (a, power)

c_U = U.control()

return c_U

n_count = 8 # number of counting qubits

a = 7

def qft_dagger(n):

"""n-qubit QFTdagger the first n qubits in circ"""

qc = QuantumCircuit(n)

# Don't forget the Swaps!

for qubit in range(n//2):

qc.swap(qubit, n-qubit-1)

for j in range(n):

for m in range(j):

qc.cp(-np.pi/float(2**(j-m)), m, j)

qc.h(j) = "QFT†"

return qc

# Create QuantumCircuit with n_count counting qubits

# plus 4 qubits for U to act on

qc = QuantumCircuit(n_count + 4, n_count)

# Initialize counting qubits

# in state |+>

for q in range(n_count):


# And auxiliary register in state |1>


# Do controlled-U operations

for q in range(n_count):

qc.append(c_amod15(a, 2**q),

[q] + [i+n_count for i in range(4)])

# Do inverse-QFT

qc.append(qft_dagger(n_count), range(n_count))

# Measure circuit

qc.measure(range(n_count), range(n_count))

qc.draw(fold=-1) # -1 means 'do not fold'

aer_sim = Aer.get_backend('aer_simulator')

t_qc = transpile(qc, aer_sim)

qobj = assemble(t_qc)

results =

counts = results.get_counts()


def a2jmodN(a, j, N):

"""Compute a^{2^j} (mod N) by repeated squaring"""

for i in range(j):

a = np.mod(a**2, N)

return a

N = 15

np.random.seed(1) # This is to make sure we get reproduceable results

a = randint(2, 15)


gcd(a, N)

def qpe_amod15(a):

n_count = 8

qc = QuantumCircuit(4+n_count, n_count)

for q in range(n_count):

qc.h(q) # Initialize counting qubits in state |+>

qc.x(3+n_count) # And auxiliary register in state |1>

for q in range(n_count): # Do controlled-U operations

qc.append(c_amod15(a, 2**q),

[q] + [i+n_count for i in range(4)])

qc.append(qft_dagger(n_count), range(n_count)) # Do inverse-QFT

qc.measure(range(n_count), range(n_count))

# Simulate Results

aer_sim = Aer.get_backend('aer_simulator')

# Setting memory=True below allows us to see a list of each sequential reading

t_qc = transpile(qc, aer_sim)

obj = assemble(t_qc, shots=1)

result =, memory=True).result()

readings = result.get_memory()

print("Register Reading: " + readings[0])

phase = int(readings[0],2)/(2**n_count)

print("Corresponding Phase: %f" % phase)

return phase

phase = qpe_amod15(a) # Phase = s/r

Fraction(phase).limit_denominator(15) # Denominator should (hopefully!) tell us r

frac = Fraction(phase).limit_denominator(15)

s, r = frac.numerator, frac.denominator


guesses = [gcd(a**(r//2)-1, N), gcd(a**(r//2)+1, N)]


a = 7

factor_found = False

attempt = 0

while not factor_found:

attempt += 1

print("\nAttempt %i:" % attempt)

phase = qpe_amod15(a) # Phase = s/r

frac = Fraction(phase).limit_denominator(N) # Denominator should (hopefully!) tell us r

r = frac.denominator

print("Result: r = %i" % r)

if phase != 0:

# Guesses for factors are gcd(x^{r/2} ±1 , 15)

guesses = [gcd(a**(r//2)-1, N), gcd(a**(r//2)+1, N)]

print("Guessed Factors: %i and %i" % (guesses[0], guesses[1]))

for guess in guesses:

if guess not in [1,N] and (N % guess) == 0: # Check to see if guess is a factor

print("*** Non-trivial factor found: %i ***" % guess)

factor_found = True