quantum-programming/Quantum Realm/Algorithms/VOQC.md

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VOQC, also pronounced as vox, is short for verfied optimizer for quantum circuits. Since many current quantum frameworks use qasm files, voqc was created as a way to debug circuits from compile error upon construction, as is my understanding anyways. The official paper though can be found here. And it is pretty informative! In order to install fully though, you will also need to install opam.

Example: Quantum teleportation:

The idea behing quantum teleportation is transmit a state psi from one party (Alice) to another (Bob) using a shared entangled state. A circuit for this is shown in a corresponding SQIR program.

Definition bell: ucom base 3 :=  H 1; CNOT 1 2 
Definition alice: com base 3 := CNOT 0 1 ; H 0; measure 0; measure 1.
Definition bob : com base 3 := CNOT 1 2; Cz 0 1;  reset 0; reset 1.
Definition  teleport : com base 3 := bell; alice, bob

SQIR : a quantum language pronounced squire which stands for small quantum intermediate representation. They maintain a github with several examples of implementation. Upon implementation, there seems to be an extraction process as well which is further documented here. It takes a highly mathematical approach and is compatibly based on COQ.

More information of Verified Quantum Computing can also be found here.

An example of optimization!

  • Reading this tutorial is extremely helpful in understanding what the point of voqc is. It makes constructing circuits a lot easier than having to understand all the gate logic and needing to create them all by hand.