added 'Terminal emulators' chapter

- signed-off-by: trimstray <>
trimstray 2018-12-20 12:21:50 +01:00
parent 15f7e6f599
commit d3bd020d80
1 changed files with 7 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -82,6 +82,13 @@ Before add pull request please see **[this](
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tmux-cssh</b></a> - sets a comfortable and easy to use functionality, clustering and synchronizing virtual tmux-sessions.<br>
##### :black_small_square: Terminal emulators
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Guake</b></a> - is a dropdown terminal made for the GNOME desktop environment.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Terminator</b></a> - is based on GNOME Terminal, useful features for sysadmins and other users.<br>
##### :black_small_square: Network